Ridgeway Baptist Church
525 Old US 19/23 Highway
Candler, N.C 28715

E-mail: ridgewaybaptistcandler@gmail.com
Church Ministries
Ridgeway Baptist Church is dedicated to ministering to church members from birth to seniors.

Pulpit Ministry
​The Pastor's sermons are listed each week in the church bulletin. His sermons are almost always from a series and expository in content. You will find the text and a brief outline on this site. All sermons are available on DVDs. Please call the church office for a copy.
Reading the Bible
Offered each week in the Bulletin is a feature that is designated to help you read through the entire Bible in one year. Suggested passages are listed for each day with a variety of selections from both the Old and New Testaments.
Children's Church
Children age 4 yr to fourth grade attend
their own worship and learning time each week. Many adults volunteer to teach and minister to our children.
Vacation Bible School
At the beginning of summer vacation, in June, VBS is held for children and youth of all ages. Classes are held from 6:00-8:30, Sunday through Thursday, where we have a Bible story, scripture, arts and crafts, snack, recreation time and a missions emphasis. Please find the exact date in the newsletter or bulletin on this site and join us for great fun.

Sunday School
​Sunday School offers a time of study and reflection on God's Word in a small group setting. This provides a chance for interaction with people who share similar interests or age groups. There is a class for everyone from nursery to senior adults. Please join us at 9:45 am each Sunday morning.
Youth Department
Youth, ages sixth grade through high school attend Sunday School and other ministries in the church. In the Youth Department, we seek to lead our students to a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, to grow as close as possible to Him and to seek His will for our lives.
Senior Adult Ministry
Regular senior adult trips offer anyone old and young alike the chance to go on field trips to different places in western N.C. Great fun and fellowship often accompanies an excellent meal at different restaurants. The trips are advertized in our bulletin and newsletter which can be found on this site.
Discipleship Training
Discipleship Training is offered three semesters throughout the year. In the fall, winter and spring the pastor or lay person leads an in-depth study on a variety of topics. Meeting time to be announced.

Music Ministry
​Ridgeway Baptist Church recognizes the pivotal role music plays in the worship of God. Be it in congregational or choral settings, music allows those who participate to articulate their faith with other believers and express feelings that may lie beyond mere words. As a congregation, we express our heart for the Lord through time-honored hymns and modern praise songs. Every Sunday, our adult choir provides worship music incorporating many different musical styles. Whether honoring our roots through old-time gospel or looking to the future through exploring songs by contemporary writers, the goal of this group is to exalt the name of the Lord. Solo singers and instrumentalists employ their God-given gifts in weekly worship, sharing their faith through song.Seasonally, we celebrate the beauty and majesty of Christmas and Easter with annual musicals. Other occasions, like Thanksgiving, allow us to join together with other church choirs in the Enka-Candler area. Bi-annually we hold talent nights, encouraging all segments of our congregation to share their unique musical skills with our church family. In all seasons, we seek to bring glory to Jesus!
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Prayer partners meet on Sunday Morning for intercessory prayer. Prayer requests are gathered from our church family and community. Names are usually left on the prayer list for an extended period of time.